Decisions – Just Make Them
One of the hardest things we face in life is making decisions. Many people are afraid that they will make the wrong ones, and for this reason, they prefer to avoid making decisions at all costs. The fact of the matter is that you will make bad or wrong decisions in your life, but guess what? You will have to live with these and decide to make better ones in the future.
How can you make better decisions?
I really believe in instinct. I personally believe that we are all blessed with amazing inner guidance, and we can make phenomenal decisions if we tune into that instinct instead of doubting it or, worse, turning it off completely. The moment my instinct tells me that something is off about a person or a situation, I listen! I am sure that each one of you has had a moment where you didn’t trust your instinct and ended up regretting it! A well-honed instinct will almost always result in great decisions that will take your life to another level.
What if you make the wrong decision?
I, like everyone else, have made wrong decisions; if I am to be honest, it has always been when I went against my better judgment. In these cases, there is very little you can do but accept it and work towards getting out of the circumstances that the wrong decision has led you into. Nothing in life is forever, so the less-than-ideal situation that your wrong decision has led you to will pass eventually.
Be careful about who you listen to
Many people love to give you advice about decisions you should make, but here you really need to step back and ask yourself if these people are qualified to give you advice. For example, if you need to make a financial decision, do you think it is wise to listen to someone who is one step from financial ruin? Alternatively, if you need to make a decision about a romantic relationship, would it be wise to listen to someone who has never had success in this area? I think you get what I mean—only listen to people who have a proven record of success in whatever area you need advice on.
Decisions—just make them
It has been my experience that the more often you make concrete decisions without constantly changing your mind, the easier it becomes to make them. The hard part most of the time is making the decision. Very often, we are in a comfort zone that prevents us from leaving that job that no longer works for us or a relationship that is holding us back from moving forward. I guarantee you that making decisions often will ultimately lead to better ones and therefore contribute to a much more rewarding life.